Onboarding And Account Setup

Setup checklist: create space, connect profiles, add team members, access product tours, demos, and agency checklist

Personalized Product Tour, Demo and Onboarding Support

To learn more about your unique social media workflows and to show you how Statusbrew can empower your team, we offer free product tours & demos.

Our Customer Success team provides a wholesome 1:1 connect with your team, where we give you an overview of the platform and answer any questions you have.

Request your free Statusbrew demo today - Request a Demo | Statusbrew

Here's what you can expect from your demo of Statusbrew.

Statusbrew Demo Options

We offer different demo call options, pick the one best suited to your needs.

15 Minute Quick Overview

A 15-min call is a great way to

  • Discuss your specific requirements and understand if Statusbrew is the right fit for your team

  • Navigate you to the right features

  • Share important resources

  • Debug platform-related issues

  • Schedule follow up demo or training call

Book a 15 Minute Demo call - 15 Minute Quick Overview - Statusbrew

30 Minute Extended Overview

A 30 min call gives us enough time to discuss one or more of your specific use-cases. We can go through the platform with a screen share to learn how to get your tasks done.

We will be able to get a deeper dive into one or more of the major feature sets at Statusbrew -

  • Engage Inbox

  • Reports

  • Publish

  • Team Management

Follow-ups can be scheduled with the sharing of important resources that support the discussed use-cases.

Book a 30 Minute Demo call - 30 Minute Extended Overview - Statusbrew

60 Minute Personalized Demo

This option gives us the advantage of providing a detailed overview of the major features at Statusbrew. We are also able to discuss your specific use cases and demonstrate how to achieve them with a screen share.

Book a 60 Minute Personalized Demo - 60 Minute Personalized Demo - Statusbrew