Social Contacts (CRM)

Keep a history of your contact conversations, save their details, and use tags to categorize valuable interactions with our Social CRM

Contact Tags

While managing social, your team has to deal with all kinds of conversations. Adding tags to your messages helps you categorize the most important topics and trends in your inbox. Over time, you'll gather valuable insights about the types of conversation which you can see via our Tag Reports.

Conversation Tags

To tag a conversation in Engage,

  • From your Statusbrew Home, click on Engage

  • Open the conversation you want to add tags for

  • Hover over it and click on the tag icon beside the message

  • You can now choose from your created tags

    How to add tags in Engage

Contact Tags

Contact Sidebar also allows you to add tags to your contacts. Adding Tags to your contacts makes it easier to segment contacts based on their current stage in the sales or marketing funnel.

Contact Tags

Learn more: How To Use Contact Sidebar For CRM

Auto Tag Messages with Rules

Tagging your conversations helps you streamline and better manage your inbox. With Rules, you can automate this process and Auto-Tag incoming conversations for your brand.

  • Give your rule a name

  • Select the social profile and trigger type

  • Add desired filters like 'Message content' and include phrases like help, urgent, etc

  • Then select the action as 'Apply Tags' and select the tag(s) of your choice

  • Click on Submit

Also, with the help of Tags, you can keep track of the number of conversations that were hidden, deleted, closed, assigned, etc., or of any other action that is performed via the Rule.

While creating a new Rule, if you wish to keep track of the number of times your rule was triggered, create a rule like you normally do, and after you've selected an action such as 'Hide' or 'Delete', select an additional action 'Apply Tags' and choose a tag(s).

For instance, if you wish to keep track of the number of conversations that were marked as spam, you can create and add the 'Spam' tag to your rule.

To monitor the action count, go to the Inbound Messages widget in Tag Insights.

Tag Inbound Messages New