How To Create Social Media Reporting Templates

Dec 19, 2023 8 min read

With a multitude of platforms and metrics to track, it's easy to get lost in a sea of data. This is where social media reporting templates come in as a beacon of clarity.

Many businesses struggle with the time-consuming and error-prone process of creating social media reports from scratch. This manual task involves juggling multiple data sources, creating complex spreadsheets, and spending countless hours formatting and presenting the data.

While there are various social media analytics tools available, many lack the flexibility and customization required to create reports that align with specific business goals.

Social media reporting templates help you save time by presenting data in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand.

This guide will help you create social media reporting templates that you can use to identify areas for improvement and optimize your social media strategy without spending a lot of time collecting and presenting data.

What Is A Social Media Reporting Template?

A social media reporting template is a preformatted document that helps you track and measure your social media performance over a specific period.

Social media reporting templates can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business or client. They can also be automated to pull data from your social media platforms, making it easy to create regular reports.

It includes the following sections:

  • Executive summary: A brief overview of the report, including the most important findings and recommendations.
  • Social media objectives: A list of your social media goals and objectives.
  • Period-specific goals: Specific goals you set for the reporting period.
  • Metrics and KPIs: Key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure your progress towards your goals.
  • Performance analysis: A detailed analysis of your social media performance, including data visualizations and insights.
  • Conclusion and recommendations: A summary of your findings and recommendations for future action.

Why You Should Use A Social Media Reporting Template?

  • Saves time: Templates eliminate the need to create reports from scratch, saving you time and effort.

  • Standardization and consistency: Templates ensure that reports are consistent in format and presentation, making it easier to compare data over time and across different platforms. This consistency also makes it easier for stakeholders to understand and interpret the data.

  • Improved efficiency: Templates save time by eliminating the need to create reports from scratch. This allows marketers to focus on analyzing the data and making recommendations rather than spending time formatting reports.

  • Data visualization: Templates often include charts and graphs to make complex data more digestible and visually appealing. This helps stakeholders quickly grasp the key trends and insights from the data.

How To Create Social Media Reporting Templates?

1. Define Your Social Media Report's Purpose

Before creating your social media report template, determine the report's primary objective. Is it a comprehensive overview of social media activities, or is it specifically focused on customer acquisition and conversion? Understanding the report's purpose will guide the template's design.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

To create goals for your social media reporting template, consider who will be reading the report. A media kit prepared for prospective clients will have a significantly different structure and purpose than a report intended for internal review.

3. Choose Metrics That Matter

Building on the example from step one, the general report would include a wide range of metrics, while the customer-focused report will emphasize metrics that demonstrate how customers and users interact with your content, such as audience demographics, engagement rates, and click-through rates. Tailor your metric selection to your specific goals.

4. Define Your Reporting Period

Examine data within a defined time frame. This approach streamlines data analysis and ensures that your statements and conclusions remain up-to-date. Decide on the reporting period that suits your needs, whether it's weekly, monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually.

5. Craft And Present Your Report

The final step involves determining the best way to present your information. Your social media report template should align with the volume of data, target audience, report purpose, selected metrics, and overall goals.

For report compilation, you can use tools like Excel, Google Sheets, or presentation software such as PowerPoint or Google Slides. To enhance clarity, use visuals like tables and graphs in your reports.

Next, delve into each social network’s report individually and create tables and graphs to illustrate the metrics you are focusing on and their month-over-month (MoM) growth.

Providing a monthly strategy overview allows for better tracking of implemented adjustments, enabling you to identify successful and unsuccessful strategies.

Include visual representations of your growth and achievements. This allows you to witness your improved performance visually. Seeing your accomplishments acts as a powerful motivator!

But doing all of these alone might be a little challenging and time-consuming for you. That’s why using a social media reporting template tool like Statusbrew can help you here. To create templates in Statusbrew, all you have to do is:

Step 1: Go to Reports from Statusbrew dashboard.

How To Create Social Media Reporting Templates Step 1

Step 2: Select Use template

How To Create Social Media Reporting Templates Step 2

Step 3: Select a template of your choice.

How To Create Social Media Reporting Templates Step 3

Step 4: Give a name and description to the report, select data sources, or add any collaborators if you wish to.

How To Create Social Media Reporting Templates Step 4

Step 5: Click Create

How To Create Social Media Reporting Templates Step 5

Yes, it's that easy to create social reports in Statusbrew. Sign up for a FREE 14-day trial & experience the ease of creating reports by yourself.

Statusbrew's Social Media Reporting Templates

Multiple Networks Overview

Multiple Networks Overview

The Multiple Networks Overview report template can be used to track and compare your social media performance across multiple networks. The report provides data on the following metrics:

  • Followers
  • Follower growth
  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Posts published
  • New inbound conversations

The report provides breakdowns of these metrics by network and by profile. This can help you to identify which networks and profiles are performing well and which ones need improvement.

This report is helpful for social media managers in a number of ways. It can help them to:

  • Track their progress towards their social media goals.
  • Identify which social media networks are most useful for their business.
  • Create content that is more likely to connect with their audience.
  • Allocate their resources more effectively.

Best Times To Post

Best Times To Post

Timing is everything. Posting content at the right time can make a world of difference in engagement, reach, and overall impact. Statusbrew's Best Time To Post report template is an excellent tool for social media marketers looking to optimize their posting schedule and maximize their social media efforts.

It provides a comprehensive overview of when your audience is most active on each social media network. It analyzes key metrics such as post impressions and post engagement.

Examining these metrics across different days and times of the week allows you to identify the ideal posting windows for each network to ensure that your content reaches your audience when they are most receptive.

Post Performance

Post Performance

Statusbrew's Post Performance report template provides a comprehensive overview of your social media performance to make data-driven decisions that drive results.

It delves into essential metrics that gauge the effectiveness of your social media strategy, such as:

  • Total Engagement
  • Post Interactions
  • Top Networks
  • Top Profiles
  • Engagement Over Time

Statusbrew's Post Performance report template allows you to move beyond guesswork and make informed decisions based on real data to refine your social media strategy by understanding your audience's engagement patterns.

Inbound Analysis

Inbound Analysis

Statusbrew's Inbound Analysis report template provides an overview of your inbound conversations, helping you identify trends. The Inbound Analysis report template provides a holistic view of your social media inbox with metrics such as

  • Total New Conversations
  • Total Replies
  • Conversations Closed
  • Total New Contacts
  • Average First Reply Time
  • Channel Breakdown
  • Conversation Type Breakdown
  • Daily Conversation Volume

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Statusbrew's Competitor Analysis report template provides a comprehensive overview of your competitor's strong bio social media presence so you can identify their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities and ultimately improve your own strategy to gain a competitive edge.

This report includes metrics that allow you to benchmark your performance against your key competitors, such as:

  • Total Followers: Compare your overall follower count to that of your competitors
  • Follower Breakdown by Network: Analyze how your audience is distributed across different social media platforms compared to your competitors
  • Competitor Followers Over Time: Track the growth of your competitors' follower base over time
  • Engagement Metrics: Compare your engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares, to those of your competitors
  • Post Frequency and Performance: Analyze your competitors' posting frequency and the performance of their individual posts

Network Reports

Statusbrew's network report templates provide a detailed overview of your brand's presence on major social media networks.

Facebook Overview

This template provides a quick and concise overview of your key Facebook performance metrics, such as reach, engagement, and post-performance. It's an ideal starting point for assessing your overall Facebook strategy.

Facebook Audience

Delve into the demographics of your Facebook audience with this template and understand their age, gender, location, and interests.

Facebook Video Performance

This template specifically focuses on the performance of your Facebook videos by providing metrics such as views, engagement, and completion rates.

Instagram Overview

Gain a quick snapshot of your Instagram performance with key metrics like reach, engagement, and follower growth. Analyze post-performance to identify the types of content that connect with your audience and optimize your strategy accordingly.

Twitter Overview

Delve into the depths of your Twitter performance with a comprehensive analysis of engagement, follower growth, and tweet details. Dig up the trends, identify influential followers, and improve your messaging to engage your Twitter audience.

TikTok Overview

Understand the nuances of your TikTok performance with insights into reach, engagement, and audience demographics. Find out the types of videos that capture attention and drive engagement to create content that appeals to more of your TikTok audience.

YouTube Overview

Assess your YouTube channel's performance with a quick overview of key metrics like subscribers, views, likes, and comments. Identify the types of videos that generate the most engagement and views to optimize your YouTube content strategy.

YouTube Content Drilldown

Dig deeper into your YouTube content performance with a detailed analysis of individual videos. Understand which videos are driving engagement, views, and audience growth so you can focus your efforts on creating high-performing content.

LinkedIn Overview

Gain insights into your LinkedIn company page's performance with an in-depth analysis of engagement, follower demographics, and reach. Identify the types of content that align with your LinkedIn audience, optimize your messaging, and expand your reach on the platform.

Google Business Overview

Improve your local business presence by tracking customer interactions, profile visibility, and rating trends on Google Business. Identify areas for improvement, improve your local SEO, and attract more customers through your Google Business listing.

Wrapping Up!

Social media reporting is not just about numbers; it's about storytelling. With compelling visuals, clear explanations, and a focus on the "why" behind the data, you can make your reports an indispensable tool for achieving your social media goals.

If creating social media reports appears a time-consuming task for you, Statusbrew has all the major templates you need to present your social growth to your key stakeholders. Sign up for a FREE 14-day trial and generate social media reports with the click of a button!

Statusbrew is an all in one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and even Google My Business.

Rushali Das

Rushali is a B2B SaaS content writer who specializes in writing research-driven blog posts around marketing for B2B SaaS brands.

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