Fastest Inbox Experience

Our platform learns from your needs, making you work faster and simpler. It organizes the messages so you know exactly what to act on next.

Engage customers, drive revenue, and analyze performance across 10+ social, messaging & review channels.

Supported Social and Review Channels
"The amount of info we have while remaining user-friendly. Everything fits nicely together"

Set up and start responding in minutes

View all conversations (organic/paid) from social, messaging, and review platforms in a single space. Auto-backfill all historic comments/ad comments.

  • Respond quickly with saved, suggested & auto-replies.
  • Hide and delete one or 100 comments with one click.
  • Optimize how you work with a flexible, easy-to-use interface designed for speed.
Getting Started with Engage Inbox
It gives you the confidence that You’re in control.

While it organizes and prioritizes upcoming conversations

25+ Filtering options that can be used in any combination ("OR," "AND,""><, ""=," etc.). Choose what matters to you and put that on top! Or give the team the division they seek.

  • AI Sentiment
  • Campaign
  • Keyword, Hashtags, & Phrases
  • Type (Ad & Organic comments, Mentions, Reviews, Messages, etc)
  • First Contact & Repeat Customers
How to organize Engage Inbox
"It’s ridiculous! I have so much free time on my hand now."

And then let a Co-Pilot take over

With various conditions and actions, Statusbrew’s Rule Engine helps automate comment moderation, message routing, labeling, and so much more.

  • Auto-hide all comments across your Facebook/Instagram pages with one click.
  • Intensity-based moderation for toxic, offensive, or inappropriate comments.
  • Automatically filter images, URLs, emails, phone numbers, emojis, and keywords. 
Inbox Automations via Rule Engine
Team Reporting

Insightful Engagement Analytics

Quickly understand what’s happening across channels, dig into team performance and customer satisfaction, and use these insights for faster pivot.

Inbox and Team engagement reports
Social Listening

Discover, Segment & Nurture Brand Advocates

Find what people are saying about your brand or product, build real connections and reply to them instantly.

Fastest Inbox Experience

● Free for 14 days
● Migration assistance
● No contracts



per month

View our pricing
"A Superassistant for every member of our team"

Now with AI

Instantly summarizes conversations, personalizes replies, and —saving you time so you can deliver the support your customers love.

  • Sentiment Detection with Intensity scores
  • Adjust to your tone
  • Translate to 10 languages
  • Fix spelling
  • Rephrase
  • Expand
AI automation in Engage Inbox
"It's the best of Statusbrew on Mobile"

And a Companion App!

  • Get notifications for the right conversations & activities.
  • Quick tap/swipe conversation management.
Statusbrew Companion App

The Complete Social Media Engagement Platform

Social Listening

Easily build queries to track conversations around key topics, competitors, and campaigns.

Powerful search

Search your Engage Inbox by keywords, tags, contacts, assignee, date range, and more.

CRM Integrations

Consolidate contacts from Salesforce/Hubspot and Statusbrew to give the team a single, integrated view of customer inquiries.

Review Management

Manage reviews from hundreds of locations in one single dashboard with smart filtering.

Communication Tools

Route notifications to the communicate platform of your choice with complete context.

Collision Detection

Collision Detection

Quickly identify if multiple users are working on similar tickets to prevent overlapping.


Parent Child Tagging

Label conversations manually/automatically for better inbox organization and rich analytics.

Sentiment Score

AI Sentiment Analysis

Automated AI sentiment analysis, which can be used to filter or automate moderation.

How Vivid creates joyful multilingual experiences on social!

Statusbrew allows us to manage our engagement across multiple markets efficiently. With our diverse range of languages (French, German, Spanish, etc), this tools helps divide and handle the interactions within each market effectively.

- Vladimir Trofimov (Community Manager)

Vivid Money Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Try The fastest, Most Beautiful-looking Inbox Today!